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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Can ISRO beat NASA ?? - ISRO vs NASA

Honestly, NASA is way ahead then ISRO.
But the question is  "Can ISRO beat NASA in coming years ?" The answer maybe Yes!

Budget of ISRO and NASA :

In 2017 NASA budget was 19.5 billion US$ and ISRO budget was 1.4 billion US$. NASA's budget is almost 18 times that of ISRO's budget.

ISRO is 4th Top space agency and it has gained this position in just  few years of its bloom. Recently ISRO sent 104 satellites in a single rocket only with the budget of 15 million dollars and NASA  admitted that it needed 100 million dollars to do the same.

On the other hand,

 NASA has well established space agency which has completed many missions successfully . It has more achievements in human missions as well.

ISRO has been excellent in past few years but its developing and performing missions in very low budget compared to NASA.

Comparing ISRO to NASA would be comparing a normal restaurant to a      5 star restaurant .Both the restaurants are good and serve different kind of needs for different group of people.   Both of them target different kinds of audience. Normal restaurant targets middle class people but 5star restaurant targets rich people.

Similarly ISRO is normal restaurant and NASA is 5-star restaurant. ISRO is walking and NASA is running on same road.

In future if INDIA has more developed budget and astronomy is high then there could be a comparison made between ISRO and NASA. But for now there is no competition between ISRO and NASA

Aniket kulkarni

Footnotes : 
Image 1 : Isro logo
Image 2 :NASA logo

Wormholes - The future to time travel

Let me tell you that wormhole existence is completely  Theoretical. No such thing is ever seen, but scientists claim that wormholes exists.

Way back in 1953,  Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen used the general Theory of relativity to propose the existence of wormholes. Hence, wormholes are also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges.
Wormholes are passages or 'bridges' through Space-time. Time and space  are two aspects of a single thing called space-time.

A wormhole is a shortcut to travel in space time. A long distance can be covered through a shortcut which saves distance and time. 

A wormholes structure: 

Wormhole is considered of having two mouths at both ends which are of spherical shape and a tube like structure connecting the the two spherical shaped mouths.

Wormhole existence: 

Mathematically, Einstein's general relative theory states of existence of wormholes. But no traces ate found till date.

Can a man pass through wormhole?

The wormhole is highly unstable. It is known to collapse making nothing to pass through them. But that's no problem . Insertion of negative energy can bring the wormhole to stable conditions.
The other problem is the size! Wormholes are predicted to be at the size of microscopic level i.e. 10^ -33 centimeters making no human being to pass through it.

These are some factors why humans cannot pass through wormholes.
Currently we don't have any traces of wormholes. If we can find or create wormholes we can traverse thousands of years in fraction of second. Many enthusiasts say that travelling to future is easier than travelling to past.
The future is exciting!

Aniket kulkarni

Image source: Wormhole image

Monday, July 30, 2018

How are black holes created ?

In simple words, black holes are created due to Implosion of stars.
But all stars which implode does not form black holes. It clearly depends on mass of stars.
A star's life is always in equilibrium with the force of nuclear fusion of Hydrogen to Helium(Stars are made of hydrogen atoms) and force of Gravitational pull.
Once stars run out of hydrogen atoms, the only remaining force is gravitational pull.
The further process clearly depends on the mass of star. We can categorize mass of star in three types :

1. Stars which have  mass less  than sun
(Less than 1 solar mass)

2. Stars which are about the mass of  sun(1 - 1.4 solar mass)

3. Stars which are much more massive than sun(more than 20 solar mass)

Lets study all three cases briefly one by one.
1. For stars which have mass less than that of sun :
When these stars run out of hydrogen atoms then there are no more nuclear reactions to fight gravity. The repulsive forces among the electrons within the star eventually  create enough pressure to halt  further gravitational process.

2. For stars which are about the mass of sun:
These stars end state will be a White drawf. No more fusion takes place and only heavier elements like oxygen, carbon remain out.It stars to cool down slowly.But it does not collapse further due to Electron degeneracy pressure.

3.For stars more massive than sun :

The fusion process continues further up the periodic table  to silicon, aluminium, potassium and so on up to ferrous(iron). No energy can be produced by fusing iron atoms together. Its the Stellar equivalent to ash.  It will get to white dwarf stage and keep collapsing. It will become a neutron star and still it shrinks. It gets denser and denser and collapses to a point where all mass of star is contained within the Schwarzschild radius and becomes a BLACK HOLE.


Image source : Black hole image

Can Humans Create new planet ?

Many of you may not agree with the following post.
But the best counter-question to the question "Can we create a new planet?" Would be  "WHY NOT ?"
The most intelligent creation on earth i.e. "Human" have vast capabilities to understand the things.
In the past 20 years human have  progressed very rapidly in technology field. NASA has been working on new projects of finding earth like planets. Those days are not far when we will start feeling to move out to another planet. The next planet which we can plan to move out is undoubtedly MARS.
So I just realized of being going off topic.

The question is " Can we create a habitable planet?"
So just think if you have many readymade shirts, will you create a new shirt or explore the shirts you already have and use them first.
The thing with the planets is the same . Why can't we just explore out mars ? We even don't have the latest Technology (currently) to create a new planet. Recently NASA has also confirmed about existence of water on mars. The reason why only mars should be our next planet may be the question. But there are many answers to this question.
1. It is near to earth.
2. Easy to reach out.
3. Planets venus and mercury have high temperatures.
4. Water existent.
5. Saturn,jupiter,neptune,uranus are gas giants having no solid surface.
So, the only planet we can think of moving out is Mars.
These are some reasons. Though research is going out. We don't now when what could show up. 
These were just my point of views .

Aniket kulkarni

Image source: Image

What is Supernova?

In simple words, Supernova is a phenomenon which causes due to explosion of stars. Supernovas outshine the whole of the galaxy and produce enormous energy. Supernovas can happen in two ways:

 1. The  FIRST type of supernovas happen in Binary stars. Binary stars, name itself states there are two stars. One of the stars steal or accumulate mass from another star and due to this heavy mass, the star eventually explodes and leads to supernova.

2. The SECOND supernova :is seen only in star which are more massive than sun (8-15 solar masses). A star's life is always in equilibrium  with the force excreted by the Nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms and gravitational force excerted by star's gravity. The star's glow is only due to this nuclear fusion of Hydogen atoms to Helium atoms. When the stars run out of hydrogen atoms, the fusion reaction is stopped and the temperature rises. This rising temperature leads to production of heavier elements on the core in the below order:
Once Iron is formed, the gravity of the core collapses and it explodes which is called supernova.
But scientist think that the stars much more heavier than sun (20 - 30 solar mass) do not form supernova, but turn into Black holes

Aniket kulkarni

Image 1 link : Type 1 supernova
Image 2 link: Type 2 supernova

The window has a surface of 1.5 m2*... *The compartment has a volume of 12 m3*... *The train speeds 80 kph to the west*.The south wind is blowing at 5 mps*...*How quickly will the space be refreshed?*

Train  speeds at 80kph i.e 22m/s The train is moving towards west (22m/s) and wind to south which is (5m/s)  So resultant wind through w...